Monday, May 09, 2011

8th May 2011, Part I: Kenting National Park

It's SUNDAY!!I joined the other group of friends to Kenting National Park and ...(Stay tune) for the day. The whole journey is about 11 hours 20 mins.

Let's start with breakfast!

I ate a simple breakfast here..
Alright, we have reached! Let the pictures do the talking :)

The shop here is selling camera battery, films, and polaroid XD
That's the famous frog rock... I actually saw something similar at Jianshi, Hsinchu county but it is way smaller...
New friends found..
We paid NTD 75 to enter...
Plenty of them in the forest..
I don't know why its name is this... Dog that bites human...
Ah Ma!
Family outing

In the bat's cave
Guess what?
We are in the fairy's cave... It's so cooling down here...
There's suppose to have monkey... but none spotted..
Silver Dragon Cave!

Part II coming up shortly... :)

 The Scenic Spots of Kenting National Park: Interpretive Book Series No. 2

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