Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Have you Churped?

Are you a Facebook user? Are you a Twitter user? I am user for both social media...

And let me tell you that..... I.... I..... I .............................................

I am a Churper!!

Har? Waittttttttttt.....What is Churp leh?

Welcome to Churp Family!

Ohh....So this is ChurpChurp...

I spread the news and will get money??

Yea lo...spread the news for us and the money is yours!!

Easy? And ChurpChurp not only give you money ler... See what we have previously?

We have Alpha and Omega Preview Screening, click link.

We also have Churp Churp Fly Kite Day!!

Hehehe...Not bad le...How many of you really know how to fly kite? Or maybe never play kite before??

See who have participated? 

Join us now and get some income with your Facebook and Twitter account just by spreading some news!! Earn yourself friendship and $$ with ChurpChurp!

Be Part of ChurpChurp Today!

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